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The Villages

Sauri, Kenya
Dertu, Kenya
Koraro, Ethiopia
Pampaida, Nigeria
Ikaram, Nigeria
Bonsaaso, Ghana
Mayange, Rwanda
Mwandama, Malawi
Potou, Senegal
Tiby, Mali
Toya, Mali
Mbola, Tanzania
Ruhiira, Uganda
Scaling Up

There are five key dimensions on which scalability of the Millennium Villages project can be envisioned:

1) The straightforward expansion of Millennium Villages to new countries , such as Madagascar and Mozambique, both of which have announced their intent to launch a Millennium Village program.

2) The expansion of specific village-level interventions , such as fertilizer support or mass distribution of anti-malaria nets, to country-wide scale-up programs. Millennium Village clusters currently reach up to 55,000 people at a time, and can therefore inform the national scale adoption of practical interventions. This has already been the case with the agricultural support programs in Malawi.

3) The launch of new Millennium Village clusters across different regions of countries where Millennium Villages are already underway. The Governments of Mali, Rwanda and Uganda are each in the process of preparing such strategies in the context of their respective national administrative structures.

4) A fourth dimension is the expansion of coverage of existing activities from clusters up to the district level. The Government of Kenya, for example, is currently crafting plans for 98 new “Millennium Districts,” with a total population of nearly 4 million people.

5) The expansion of strategic partnerships across existing programs, integrating MDG complementary activities to initiatives already underway. For example, existing community-based programs focusing on agricultural interventions could be complemented with an integrated suite of interventions focusing on health, education, infrastructure and so forth.

The scaling up of the Millennium Villages Project will require tremendous effort - not only at local level but at a global level. Please visit the friends page to see what you can do to help